Welcome to The Light Amp!
Here you will find Samuel’s ministry information, mission reports, newsletter updates, and devotional writings.
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Archive is a library of Samuel’s devotional writings, past and present.
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Samuel is a 3rd generation minister of the gospel. He was born in Taiwan and met his wife Ammi while ministering in China. They have three beautiful children—Johnny, Zoey, and Tiffany. Samuel has been in full time ministry for 20 years and has served in many nations, including Russia, China, the Philippines, and Iceland.
In addition to preaching, teaching, training, and writing, Samuel also leads worship with vocals, guitar, and the violin (acoustic and electric). For Samuel’s music please visit lightampmusic.com
Samuel and Ammi are pastors ordained by Christian Fellowship Revival Center in Aberdeen, WA. Samuel is also a licensed minister with Renaissance Coalition. Samuel and Ammi currently reside in Fountain Inn, South Carolina, USA.
Contact Email: lightamp@live.com
Mountain - hungering for face to face encounters with God
Fountain - coming together to pour out our love on Jesus in worship
Circle - finding where you belong in the family of Christ
Table - receiving spiritual nourishment, healing, and empowerment for life
Overflow - going to the streets and nations to release the kingdom of heaven
To raise up disciples of Jesus Christ, establish kingdom infrastructures in the nations, and see the glory of God spread throughout the earth!